Dean's Office Departments

The Dean’s Secretariat and Secretary worksite is in charge of all agendas related to the positions of the Faculty’s Dean and Secretary as far as administrative and organisational matters are concerned. It also organises liaison between the Dean and the Secretary and Faculty staff. In addition, the worksite manages and handles the agendas for the Faculty’s internal policies, Dean’s Medals and Awards, Rector’s Awards, J. Hlávka Awards, Ministry of Education Awards, and other awards. It also updates the membership of Faculty committees, Scientific Council, Section scientific councils, and the Academic Senate.

The Legal Services Department provides legal and advisory services, as well as administers contracts and public procurement.

English-speaking contact

The Public Procurement Department provides consulting and administration services regarding public procurement projects.

English-speaking contact

The HR Department is in charge of labour and payroll agendas. It is also responsible for the selection and recruitment of Faculty employees and their induction.

English-speaking contact

The Economic Department is in charge of all the Faculty of Science’s economic and financial agendas, including overseeing performance in its core and complementary activities, at workplaces, and in specific research projects using the FIS economic software tool.

English-speaking contact

The Research Support Department provides administrative, informational and, as the case may be, organisational support for the publication activities of the Faculty’s researchers and teachers, as well as administrative support for international student and teacher travel and international student exchanges.

English-speaking contact

The Department supervises the operation and maintenance of buildings and movable assets on its records. It is in charge of preparing and completing major repairs and capital projects of the Faculty. It is also responsible for fire prevention activities, water and energy management agendas, and occupational health and safety.

English-speaking contact

The Information Technology Centre (CIT) is in charge of the management and development of the entire Faculty’s ICT infrastructure, data and voice services, centralised servers and data depositories, website, AV solutions, databases, and applications. It operates the Faculty of Science computer network and is a partner to the respective workplaces at the CU Rectorate, PASNET/CESNET. It provides comprehensive ICT support for users at the Dean’s Office and in specific worksites (computer classrooms and study rooms, specialised libraries, the Botanical Garden, the Department of Physical Education, and the Rybička preschool). Specific support for other worksites is provided by dedicated local administrators.

English-speaking contact

The Department’s core activity is to popularise research and development at FSc CU, provide promotional printed material and other items, and foster the Faculty’s good reputation among the general public through printed and audiovisual media and the Faculty’s website. The Department organises events for study applicants as well as for the Faculty and general public, and coordinates the Přírodově science popularisation project.

English-speaking contact

The Project Management Department provides informational, administrative, coordination, and organisational support for researchers’ and teachers’ grant activities and for Faculty projects.

English-speaking contact

Charles University libraries

Rather than being a standard library, the Central Library is the hub for library/information services at Charles University. Standard library services are provided by the libraries at the individual Faculties and other divisions. To use Charles University’s libraries, you need an employee card and a Central Authentication Service (CAS) password. With these, employees can register with libraries by completing electronic applications. Knowing the CAS password is all it takes to use the electronic resources portal.