Central Authentication Service (CAS)

The CAS serves to authenticate the identity of users (students, employees, and external collaborators) via a login and password for University and Faculty information systems and computer networks. The following applications are the ones used most widely in our Faculty:

· CU Information System

· Electronic Resources Portal

· Moodle e-learning system

· Faculty information system and the eduroam wireless computer network

Each user is assigned a personal number and login. The login and initial password are issued along with the employee card. With the help of your personal number, you can use this form to find a login. The initial password is valid for 5 days only and is used exclusively for setting one’s own (verified) password. Unverified passwords are not accepted for Faculty accounts.


You can change your password after logging into the CAS (http://cas.cuni.cz). The password will work immediately in the CAS, and with an activated Faculty account within 15 minutes, provided the user’s affiliation with the Faculty has already been set up in the WhoIS and CAS systems before changing their password and that they are using a verified CAS password.

The password is valid for 365 days. Notifications of approaching CAS password expiry are sent to the contact e-mail address from the CAS; users can set up their own addresses.

If you forget your password or it has already expired, resetting it usually requires a personal visit to a card centre, the study room at Albertov 6, and the library at Viničná 7; only contact the CIT division directly in urgent cases. You will need your university card, personal ID card, or passport for identity verification.

If you have provided your contact e-mail and telephone number in the CAS, you can use remote access instead of a personal visit. In this case, follow the special CAS guide to setting up a new password.